Levasol Jam

Composition :

Each 100 ml contains:

Levamisole HCl 20 g

Excipients up to 100 ml

Effective Material: 20%
Packing : 1000ml
Category: Tag:


Drug Interactions :

None when adhering to the recommended doses.

Side effects:

Overdose can cause agitation, sweating, coughing, vomiting, drooling, stomach cramps, hyperventilation and contractions.

Withdrawal Period :

Meat: 10 days.

Milk: 4 days.

Preservation :

Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25° C.


Indications :

Ruminants: It is used to treat chronic gastro-intestinal and pulmonary worms infection with hepatic fasciola.

Poultry: It is used to treat the infection of Ascaris worms and hairworms, and it is used to raise the resistance of poultry in cases of various stress, such as: extreme fatigue, coccidiosis, and after immunization programs and drug treatment.

Contraindications :

Not for animals with liver problems.

Not to be given with Prantel, Morantel and organophosphorous compounds.

Dosing & Usage

Usage :

It is given orally.

Dosing :

Cows, calves, sheep and goats: 7.5ml/200kg live weight for one day.

Birds: 1 liter/2000 liters of drinking water for one day.

Or as directed by your veterinarian.
