Trimasol Jam

Composition :

Each 100 ml contains:

Trimethoprim 8 g.

Sulfadiazine sodium 40 g.

Excipients up to 100 ml.

Effective material: 48%
Packing : 1000ml
Category: Tag:


Drug Interactions:

None when adhering to the recommended doses.

Side Effects:

Crystallization of urine may occur when the preparation is given for a long time and in high doses. And when symptoms such as bloody urine and Renal colic appear, treatment should be stopped immediately and Alkaline materials such as sodium carbonate should be given immediately to increase the urine’s ability to dissolve sulfadiazine. Also, prolonged administration can lead to anemia.

Withdrawal Period :

Bird meat: 5 days.

Ruminant meat: 8 days.

Preservation :

Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25° C.


Indications :

In birds: Trimasol Gam is used to treat diarrhea and bacterial infections in the digestive tract. And respiratory infections (sinusitis and inflammation of the air sacs). In the rest of the animals, Trimasol is used in the treatment of inflammation of the intestine and inflammation of the uterus.


It is not given in cases of renal insufficiency and anemia, nor in case of allergy to one or both of the compounds.

Dosing & Usage

Usage :

It is given orally after mixing it with drinking water.

Dosing :

Poultry: 1 ml / 2 liters of drinking water for 5 consecutive days.

Other animals: 1 ml / 25 kg live weight for 5 days.

Note: It should not be given to animals with active digestion. Or as directed by your vet.


The combination of trimethoprim and sulfadiazine gives an antagonistic action against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli, hemophilus. Pasteurella, salmonella, staphylococcus and streptococcus.

Both compounds affect bacterial purine synthesis in different ways and result in double braking.
