Colisol Jam

Composition :

Each 100 ml contains:

Colistin Phosphate 2.4 MWD (12 g)

Excipients up to 100 ml

Effective Material: 12%
Packing : 1000ml
Category: Tag:


Drug Interactions :

There is no adherence to the correct use and doses.

Side effects:

Intestinal complications such as gas accumulation and mild diarrhea can occur, and in very high doses, kidney failure can occur.

Withdrawal Period :

Meat: 7 days.

Preservation :

Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25° C.


Indications :

ColIsol gam preparation is recommended for the control and treatment of gastrointestinal infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria sensitive to colistin, such as Escherichia coli, hemophilus and salmonella in birds, calves and sheep.

Contraindications :

Cases of allergy to colistin.

Do not use in the case of animals that have liver or kidney problems.
Cases of bacterial resistance to colistin.

It should not be given to chickens producing table eggs or milk-producing animals.

This preparation should not be given in subtherapeutic or prophylactic doses.

Dosing & Usage

Usage :

It is given orally after mixing it with drinking water.

Dosing :

Poultry: 2000-4000 liters of drinking water once a day for 5-7 days.

Calves, sheep, cows and goats: 1 ml / 40 kg live weight twice daily for 5-7 days or as directed by the veterinarian.
