Amoclox Jam

Composition :

Each 100g contains:

Amoxicillin Trihydrate 10g.

Cloxacillin sodium 10 g.

Excipients up to 100 g.

Effective material: 20%
Packing : 500g,1000g
Category: Tag:


Drug Interactions:

None when adhering to the recommended doses.

Side Effects:

None when adhering to the recommended doses.

Withdrawal Period :

Meat: 1 day.

Preservation :

Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25° C.


Indications :

It is used in the following cases:

Premature death of chicks.

Pyoderma gangrenosum.

Pullorum and coliform disease.

Secondary bacterial infections.

Infectious choriza.

Bacterial white diarrhea.

Necrotic Enteritis.

Yolk sac inflammation.

Cholera and fowl typhoid.


Hypersensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins.

Dosing & Usage

Usage :

It is given orally after dissolving it with drinking water.

Dosing :

Poultry: 100 g / 200 liters of drinking water until the condition stops or according to the instructions of the veterinarian in severe cases, 400-300 g / 200 liters of drinking water is given according to the severity of the condition.
